Gorgonise Me

A Story Inspired by Medusa’s Sister and a Piece of Unplayable Piano Music

To gorgonise. An old English word based on Greek. Means to have a paralysing effect on someone.

Taken to the extreme, as I always do. Evryali is a music piece for solo piano that cannot physically be played, composed by Iannis Xenakis in 1973. That means the piano player has to choose which notes to play and which not to, resulting in a performance that transcends form and function. Evryali is also a Gorgon, (Yes, Medusa’s sister.) Noted for her petrifying gaze of course, but also for her bellowing cries. Contrary to Medusa who was a mortal that was cursed, Evryali was immortal.

Here is a dark story inspired by her. I suggest you listen to the Evryali piece as you read.

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