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Cover Reveal: Slow Up (Available Now)

How Fast Can You Think?

Limitless meets Black Mirror in this novel that pushes the limits of a couple’s minds.

When Galene meets a man who’s only goal in life is to make his mind go faster, she ends up falling for him. But will she manage to keep the relationship going at the top of the glass tower, when in reality she’s too much of a slob and is bogged down with all her unfinished goals, when their age difference becomes too much of a problem, and when his work places them in the sights of an unforgiving huntress?

Do you want to know what’s next for the computer geek Galene? Do you wanna meet Artemis? Then read this bittersweet story in a world where thinking too swiftly can get you killed.

You can start reading the ebook right now on Amazon and get a discount at $2.99 (from $4.99)

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This story is in the same series of Crying Over Spilt Light, our divisive but unforgettable story with an android Muse.

While it doesn’t contain the same characters or situations, it’s in the same world and there’s another Muse from the same corporation that meddles with things. We playfully call this series “Hire a Muse.” So this is book 2.

Now available on Amazon, we give you the chance to get a copy at a discount. Cause we love you. Click the buttons and tell your friends.

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