Here’s a new release for you. It’s both romantic and hot, while being definitely sci-fi.
Check it out.
When the new girl in town stumbles on a couple with a very unique relationship, she decides to help them with an unconventional solution. But will she manage to keep them together despite the cosmic forces trying to keep them apart, when the very nature of the solution she proposed can get in the way of the couple and when her university professor is opposed to the project?
This is a short update on our future. Things have changed in the publishing world, and we’ve grown a lot these past couple of years.
That’s a gamer’s hand placement, don’t think we don’t know that, hand model.
We’re reviewing what we’ve done and what we haven’t done. We needed to, cause there’s now 5000 of you.
ZOMG, what?
Yup. Five. Thousand. Mythographers. How awesome is that?
In short:
The serialized format that was popular 2 years ago is gone now. So we’re revamping some series into the classic trilogy format. Namely, Maniai Case Files and Heartbreaker. Expect those to be fattened up, you’ll get an email when that happens. If you delete the file from your ereader and redownload you’ll get the new version.
We’re focusing on print editions. People seem to still like paper books, go figure! We’ve started making these available to you, first title to become available will be The Impossible Quest of Hailing a Taxi on Christmas Eve, very soon. Like this week, soon.
Upcoming titles and draft chapters are up on Patreon. If you want the polished stuff, do nothing and shop on Amazon or the other retailers from us. But if you want to be in all the crazy, read draft chapters, give feedback and get heard, get on Patreon and open the bags of Aeolus.
You seem to really like the omnibus, Myth Gods Tech. It was an afterthought for us but it seems to be quite popular. Maybe it’s the big letters or something. We’ll update it soon with our new content and keep it DLC enabled, meaning that you can redownload it and it will contain the updated version. If you bought it, there’s no added cost, ever.
We’re consolidating our social media channels. The most active accounts are on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. If you’re on there, follow us so you get all the new stuff and the offers. If you want to hang out, we also have a chat room on Discord (Unmoderated, probably NSFW.)
We’ve started new partnerships with excellent artists in various fields. Narrators, illustrators (check out Antune Sketch.)
We messed up the Mystery Loot Chest but it was funny and you seemed to like it, so we’re keeping it. It was a 2 a.m. brain fart that worked out nicely. We’re giving a hint on the Loot Chest page on what to expect inside. It will always be an unpublished short story, taking place somewhere near our other stories. For now it’s the same first chest, but we’ll let you know when it updates.
We’re ditching Kindle Unlimited, or Kindle Select. We know some people really like Amazon’s Unlimited offer, but it requires exclusivity and we just can’t do that. The world is big, bigger than just the US. We tried it out, it didn’t fit our goals and now we’re rolling everything out of it. For non KU members this changes nothing. For KU members, well, we can’t do anything unless the exclusivity clause is lifted. Boo hoo. Send your woes to Amazon in email format.
We’ve launched official torrents. “You what? Really?” Yes, really. Read the page if you want to find out why we’re doing that.
Here is the cover for our new spacefaring series Antigravel:
Tiny but deadly.
Upwards and onwards
What did you think was the roadstop for man to explore the empty reaches of space? Faster than light travel? Interstellar navigation? Time dilation?
Puh. We beat all that by sheer force of will.
It was micrometeoroids.
Fucking space rocks.
The beginning of a new series
This book marks the entry novel for a new series, separate from the god complex universe. Hopefully it will tease all you readers enough to spark off a whole new set of books.