Luke Rounda has a post about the challenges he faced when he turned Pickle Pie into an audiobook.
Blood runs pink in the latest Vernacular Audiocollaboration with postmodern Greek mythologist and science fiction writer George Saoulidis! In an all-too-plausible near future Athens, popularity is queen. Debt slavery is not only legal, it’s been gamified. It even has an official bloodsport: Jugger. Jugger’s playerbase of ruined and exploited female athletes paint the town pink with blood—‘shopped for streaming to all ages. Inside and outside the Arena, perverts, crony capitalists, and cyborg deathknights run the streets. But with the help of a gutsy cyberpink girl and a savvy Veil hacker, the bankrupt smithy who crafts the elite their armor suits is about to rewrite the playbook…
Rollerball meets GLOW in this bloody mess of a sport story.
When a bankrupt armourer ends up owning a second-rate jugger player, he decides to go for it. But will he manage to even turn a profit, when he knows little about the game and its seedy world, when the opponents play dirty on and off the field, and when the game’s popularity grows with every player injury and death?
Do you wanna watch the bloody game of Cyberpink? Do you wanna meet Pickle Pie? Then read this exciting story where popularity is queen and blood runs pink.
We like to keep things moving around here, so we’re running a sale on all stores for the Myth Gods Tech 2. Get it on your favourite bookstore or directly from us.
Myth Gods Tech 2 – Omnibus Edition
Crying Over Spilt Light (Hire a Muse Book 1)
Hire A Muse, Get A Nobel Prize
Ex Machina meets A Beautiful Mind in this mind-bending sci-fi thriller.
On the verge of abandoning his life-long project, an obsessive physicist hires the innovative service of an android Muse to help him finish his work. But when things start to go missing from his life, he must learn that not all is worth sacrificing on the altar of science before he has nothing left to live for.
Do you want to know what’s next for poor-but-brilliant Yanni? Do you wanna meet the Muse? Then read this unique sci-fi thriller that toys with the very concept of inspiration.
Slow Up (Hire a Muse Book 2)
How Fast Can You Think?
Limitless meets Black Mirror in this novel that pushes the limits of a couple’s minds.
When Galene meets a man who’s only goal in life is to make his mind go faster, she ends up falling for him. But will she manage to keep the relationship going at the top of the glass tower, when in reality she’s too much of a slob and is bogged down with all her unfinished goals, when their age difference becomes too much of a problem, and when his work places them in the sights of an unforgiving huntress?
Do you want to know what’s next for the computer geek Galene? Do you wanna meet Artemis? Then read this bittersweet story in a world where thinking too swiftly can get you killed.
The Girl Who Twisted Fate’s Arm
Biker Amazons and Celebrity Singers
Sons Of Anarchy meets The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo in this coming of age dystopian novel.
When the daughter of Greece’s premier singer fails to sing as expected, she finds out about a biker group of women. But will she manage to find the elusive Orosa, the bikers’ motovlogger, when all she has to go on are random street-sightings of criminal behaviour, when her family is opposed to her following this path and when her dad’s employer wants to keep her as she was for marketing purposes?
Do you want to know what’s next for the voiceless Aura? Do you wanna meet the Amazons? Then read this coming of age story in a world where fate is quite literal.
Nanodaemons A technothriller with internet-of-things devices.
Hey, no one said you can’t browse instagram while reading
Just like we said on our End of the Year Course Correction post, we’ve published two titles in paperback format! And we do what we say dammit, even if it’s only half the time.
So, here they are, two of our best stories in sniffable, tearable, lickable format:
It was a mix of Greek folk music, with ancient Greek theatre, under the thrashing of electric guitars. The music is made for the stage and the play is made for the music. You can’t have one without the other, but unfortunately, the show has only limited nights in Athens, so you’ll have to make do with just the digital download. Listen with the app below and get the album.
pliskinfemto on bandcamp: Truly God-tier metal with emotional and epic guitar riffs like you’ve never heard before. Never expected anyone to blend hellenic folk with black metal so well. Aherusia keep getting better with each album they release and have already earned their place next to the top metal bands of Greece. Favorite track: Ocean.
Or if you prefer Youtube:
Aherusia’s third album is an ambitious and profound concept based on the Promethean myth. A definite bold step forward for the band, who streamlines their sound while maintaining its core characteristics.
If you’ve noticed, I’m running quite a few of these articles under the category “Mythographers we Love.” There are a lot of people doing new things, reimagining mythology all the time, presenting new mythographies. So I’ll do my best to share some of them with you.
Recorded live in the studio, Prometheus sounds extremely lively and pulsating. Its lyrics written in common Hellenistic script lend the verses an authentic aura of antiquity. Accept this gift of fire.
Limitless meets Black Mirror in this novel that pushes the limits of a couple’s minds.
When Galene meets a man who’s only goal in life is to make his mind go faster, she ends up falling for him. But will she manage to keep the relationship going at the top of the glass tower, when in reality she’s too much of a slob and is bogged down with all her unfinished goals, when their age difference becomes too much of a problem, and when his work places them in the sights of an unforgiving huntress?
Do you want to know what’s next for the computer geek Galene? Do you wanna meet Artemis? Then read this bittersweet story in a world where thinking too swiftly can get you killed.
You can start reading the ebook right now on Amazon and get a discount at $2.99 (from $4.99)
This story is in the same series of Crying Over Spilt Light, our divisive but unforgettable story with an android Muse.
While it doesn’t contain the same characters or situations, it’s in the same world and there’s another Muse from the same corporation that meddles with things. We playfully call this series “Hire a Muse.” So this is book 2.
Now available on Amazon, we give you the chance to get a copy at a discount. Cause we love you. Click the buttons and tell your friends.
Athens is becoming an important stop in the worldwide fantasy event circuit. This year, we had guest visitor Kate Madison, who’s made an indie series called “Ren – The Girl With the Mark.”
The cosplay competition was extremely fun and very popular. Here are some indicative pics, for the whole gallery from CosplayersGR click here.
And we had the author Ioanna Bourazopoulou, who has been translated in English and won awards for her novel “What Lot’s Wife Saw.” Here’s where you can get copies on Amazon US and UK:
There were plenty of other stuff, mostly in Greek of course. Check out the convention’s English page here and contact them in case you want to take part next year. The visitors gobble up English content like there’s no tomorrow, stuff like Saga comic volumes, memorabilia, Chibi figures and whatever sort of loot you might peddle.
To end this article, here’s Sci-fi author Judith Blish getting eaten by a zombie. Um, guys, maybe we should be taking better care of legendary writers, especially now that Star Trek is cool again? Guys? Anybody left alive?
And they are disguised as Asians. No really. That’s the backstory of Patty Jansen’s excellent Ambassador series.
Political space opera in an explosive eight-book series.
The story starts in Athens, that’s why it piqued my interest. There’s a sort of Masquerade going on, with alien refugees silently living on Earth, disguised as Asians. (They are of a pan-human origin, hence the similarities with us, and there’s a hint of Earth being an ancient colony.)
It’s been only a few years that the lid has been torn off, everybody knows about them and we are both fascinated and suspicious of them. They have of course star-faring technology, and it all culminates into the explosive event you see on the cover. Yes, that’s the Athens cityscape.
The story follows a young Ambassador to the alien species. Despite the importance of the mission, he is rather expendable. We are thrown into the deep end, the world feels lived-in and very complex, which demands your full attention as you read.
Ambassador: Seeing Red Description
24 October 2114: the day that shocked the world.
Young diplomat Cory Wilson narrowly escapes death in the assassination of President Sirkonen. No one claims responsibility but there is no doubt that the attack is extraterrestrial.
Cory was meant to start work as a representative to Gamra, the alien organization that governs the FTL transport network, but now his new job may well be scrapped in anger.
Worse, as Earth uses military force to stop any extraterrestrials coming or leaving, as 200,000 extraterrestrial humans are trapped on Earth, as the largest army in the galaxy prepares to free them by force, only Cory has the experience, language skills, and contacts to solve the crime.
But he’s broke, out of a job, and a long way from Earth.
A Matt Damon political thriller meets Total Recall action with Avatar otherworldliness.