A proper reader’s shelf needs to look like this:

If the shelf isn’t squealing under all that weight, you’re doing it wrong. That’s why we’ve brought you a massive paperback giveaway.
You can sign up here at SFF Book Bonanza.

The giveaway starts at Nov 1 and ends at Jan 31. Sign up for a chance to win one of these epic reads:
- The Human Division, by John Scalzi. Mother frickin awesome. I suggested that one, just read it. Fall in love with the B team.
- Robert Jordan. Meh, TLDR.
- Michael Crichton. Should be a good thriller.
- Star Wars. If you’re into the EU.
- The Book of Lost Tales. J.R.R. Tolkien. Posthumous publication. It’s worth being on your shelf. Not really dying for it, but I’d want to rifle through it’s pages. Sniff them. My preciousss.
- Good Omens. Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Quite good. Falls flat at the climax, though. Will be made into a series starring David Tennant. Read it before it premieres. For hipsterism.
- The Martian, Andy Weir. So fucking good.
- Hunters of Dune. Another Dune novel? Meh.
- Fall of Hyperion. As much as I like Dan Simmons, I can’t stand Hyperion. “We are of the cruciform. We are…” Bleh.
- We Are Legion (We Are Bob). Dennis Taylor. SO FUCKING GOOD. Read the whole trilogy.
- Steelheart. Brandon Sanderson. Read it. Read it. Read the whole trilogy, it’s the perfect trilogy.
- Ready Player One. Nostalgia fueled crap. Can’t stand it.
- The Handmaid’s Tale. Margaret Atwood. In my TBR pile, want to read it.
- Three Body Problem. In my TBR.
- Jim Butcher, Aeronaut’s Windlass. So. Many. Fucking. Cats. Watch as a beloved bestselling author turns into a crazy cat lady.
- Brandon Sanderson, Way of Kings. Just read it. No, don’t mind the word count. Trust me. I’m Stormblessed.
- Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Classic. Must have.
- Magicians. HAS to be better than the stupid series. It has to be. Now I’m curious.
- A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. George R.R. Martin. No idea, haven’t gotten around to the first tomes yet.
- The Book of Dust. Everybody seems to be talking about this. At least that’s what they do in my social media echo chamber.
- And a bunch of other novels I don’t know about. But you can win them.
Share it with your reading buddies. Only the ones you actually like, though.