It’s that time of the year, but since the world is round and we have opposite seasons, you might be enjoying these stories during the summer or the winter. Who knows?
Either way, you can grab stories at discounts of up to 75%.
It’s that time of the year, but since the world is round and we have opposite seasons, you might be enjoying these stories during the summer or the winter. Who knows?
Either way, you can grab stories at discounts of up to 75%.
We’re hoping you’re safe. Follow the official guidelines, wash your hands, avoid large crowds, stay inside and read a book.
To help you out here’s a coupon code for 100% off on everything at our shop:
Add it at checkout if it doesn’t show up.
Seriously, stay home and just chill out with our audiobooks. Help the medical professionals do their job by not overwhelming the system and protecting yourself.
We’re giving you all, yes ALL our audiobooks on Audible for free. There’s no easy way to include them all in a post and this is clunky, but you’re clever, you’ll figure it out. The codes are in this link:
First come first served. Codes updated 30th of April. Audible COM codes, redeem at https://audible.com/acx-promo Audible UK codes, redeem at https://audible.co.uk/acx-promo |
Everything is free on Smashwords, Nook and iTunes. Get the stories here:
Smashwords sitewide sale. Get ebooks at great discounts such as 75% off. Grab your copies now.
Get the Mythography ebooks on this link:
Get the sitewide sale on this link:
To celebrate Christmas we have a seasonal sale going on in our shop! Use the coupon code CHERRYCHRISTMAS during checkout for a 40% off on all stories! Wow. Thank you, Cherry.
We’re also going to update this post with other Christmas offers we have going on.
The Kobo Holiday/Boxing Week sale is now live!
Sale dates: Dec 19-Jan 1
Here are the links:
AU/NZ – https://www.kobo.com/p/christmasANZ
CA – https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/p/boxingweek19
US – https://www.kobo.com/p/hols2019
Kobo Boxing Week promos, get them here:
Slow Up https://www.kobo.com/en/ebook/slow-up-1
Nanodaemons https://www.kobo.com/en/ebook/nanodaemons
Pickle can’t seem to get any sleep during the night, so she tiptoes into the kitchen for a midnight snack. But the others are very noisy downstairs and her craving doesn’t seem to go away. Will she figure it out with the help of Cherry or is it a deeper issue?
A Cyberpink short story.
Warning: Contains explicit content.
Influencer: Christmas Balls
When Aphrodite sends her off to a sex convention in Canary Wharf, Eudora makes the flight and shows up. But will she manage to fulfill the terms of her contract, when she has nothing entertaining to show people, when an unusual Santa is hogging all the attention and when her own insecurities drag her down?
This is a Christmas special of the Influencer book series.
WARNING: Contains explicit futanari/hermaphrodite content.
Check out the Christmas pinups of the various characters from our stories on George’s DeviantArt account: https://www.deviantart.com/glowleaf2
Or on the Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pg/MythographyStudios/photos/?tab=album&album_id=3036469093244114
This is the best time to try out an Amazon subscription, either Kindle Unlimited or Audible.
US Audible Gift Membership, make the perfect gift.
UK Kindle Unlimited link with 3 months free trial.
UK Audible Subscription with an Extra Free Audiobook.
Christmas offer: Smashwords End of Year Sale, 25th of Dec until 1st of January, 2020. Get it all here: https://mythographystudios.com/smashwords
Summer is a tough time for readers. You want to find the time to read, you need the cash to get your favourite stories, fill up a Kindle or any other ereader. And holidays add up quite a bit. Except if you’re visiting Greece, then it’s totally worth it.
We get it.
We can help out with the price bit. There’s a sale on all our titles on the following stores:
Titles are 50-70% off. Most novels are 50% off, and short stories are on the biggest sale bracket. Take a look, browse and grab them while you can.
You can also grab stories from our store! Use the coupon code:
Apply it during checkout for 50% off.
Rollerball meets GLOW in this bloody mess of a sport story.
When a bankrupt armourer ends up owning a second-rate jugger player, he decides to go for it. But will he manage to even turn a profit, when he knows little about the game and its seedy world, when the opponents play dirty on and off the field, and when the game’s popularity grows with every player injury and death?
Do you wanna watch the bloody game of Cyberpink? Do you wanna meet Pickle Pie? Then read this exciting story where popularity is queen and blood runs pink.
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We like to keep things moving around here, so we’re running a sale on all stores for the Myth Gods Tech 2. Get it on your favourite bookstore or directly from us.
Crying Over Spilt Light (Hire a Muse Book 1)
Hire A Muse, Get A Nobel Prize
Ex Machina meets A Beautiful Mind in this mind-bending sci-fi thriller.
On the verge of abandoning his life-long project, an obsessive physicist hires the innovative service of an android Muse to help him finish his work. But when things start to go missing from his life, he must learn that not all is worth sacrificing on the altar of science before he has nothing left to live for.
Do you want to know what’s next for poor-but-brilliant Yanni? Do you wanna meet the Muse? Then read this unique sci-fi thriller that toys with the very concept of inspiration.
Slow Up (Hire a Muse Book 2)
How Fast Can You Think?
Limitless meets Black Mirror in this novel that pushes the limits of a couple’s minds.
When Galene meets a man who’s only goal in life is to make his mind go faster, she ends up falling for him. But will she manage to keep the relationship going at the top of the glass tower, when in reality she’s too much of a slob and is bogged down with all her unfinished goals, when their age difference becomes too much of a problem, and when his work places them in the sights of an unforgiving huntress?
Do you want to know what’s next for the computer geek Galene? Do you wanna meet Artemis? Then read this bittersweet story in a world where thinking too swiftly can get you killed.
The Girl Who Twisted Fate’s Arm
Biker Amazons and Celebrity Singers
Sons Of Anarchy meets The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo in this coming of age dystopian novel.
When the daughter of Greece’s premier singer fails to sing as expected, she finds out about a biker group of women. But will she manage to find the elusive Orosa, the bikers’ motovlogger, when all she has to go on are random street-sightings of criminal behaviour, when her family is opposed to her following this path and when her dad’s employer wants to keep her as she was for marketing purposes?
Do you want to know what’s next for the voiceless Aura? Do you wanna meet the Amazons? Then read this coming of age story in a world where fate is quite literal.
A technothriller with internet-of-things devices.
Plus 24 short stories:
You can get the Antigravel Omnibus 1 from our store at a steep discount. Contains all the Antigravel stories so far. Add it to your cart:
Jellyspace, the collection of short stories is now 70% off on our store. Don’t forget to use the coupon code CERTIFIEDMYTHOGRAPHER at checkout for an added 5% off.
Yeah, I noticed the trend and it bugs me a little. No, people, dystopian doesn’t mean post-apocalyptic. Post-ap is something after a major catastrophe, dystopian means Orwellian surveillance nightmare. You know, kinda like the God Complex Universe.
Sometimes the two genres overlap like in the Hunger Games, but one does not necessarily mean the other. Anyway, here are some grim and post-apocalyptic books for you to choose from.
You’ll find all that, and most importantly, you’ll find it across all major retailers. Yeah, we’ve made it the norm.
Any shop you prefer, we’re on it. First weekend of November only, 5-6 Nov. Get ready cause it’s closing in fast.