Okay, at the time of writing this 2021 is technically still hours away, but I can’t wait for 2020 to be over so I’m gonna pretend I’m already there. Perks of being a writer.
What we have done is we’ve expanded into a lot of translations. They’re not even all listed there, you can find them on Amazon mostly. Expect a steady flow of translations in Spanish and German since those seem to get a bit of traction. https://mythographystudios.com/translations/
For audiobooks, it has been a wonky year. We’re ditching Audible exclusivity for any and all newer titles, so they’re not confined there. This doesn’t change anything for Audible listeners, it just becomes more accessible to people listening from other sources. We’ve added Bandcamp, which we love, and Bookfunnel delivery for our store sales. You can find all the audiobooks on this constantly-updated page https://mythographystudios.com/audiobooks/
Since we mentioned the Mythography Shop, there’s been more content in there than ever. You can shop directly from us and we’ll give you tribute points you can exchange for a discount at your next order, just because you’re awesome. https://mythographystudios.com/introducing-tribute-points/
The Mythographers have grown to… *checks notes* 71 thousand! Holy Zeus’ balls. That’s a lot. We always love to chat with you, but since that’s not always possible, you can chat amongst yourselves. You can hang out with the Certified Mythographers on our Facebook group and/or Discord https://mythographystudios.com/hang-out-with-the-mythographers/
As for the future? You can expect more stories, especially in our more popular series, Cyberpink, Mean Gods, Futagen, Antigravel. More audiobooks, more translations for all you Mythographers out there, and pretty much more of what we’re already doing. We have streamlined the process quite a bit so everything is running smoothly. If you’re not already in the Certified Mythographers, join here and get the free starting library https://mythographystudios.com/join-the-mythographers/
We’re continuing on with our gamble of bringing you Greek mythology and speculative fiction together in various stories and various genres. The overwhelming response shows us that we were right, and we’re finding new ways to tell a story that you’d enjoy. There will be a few visual novels in the future, maybe? We’re not sure yet, but it’s on the table.
During the past year we’ve become possibly the most technologically advanced entertainment studio in Greece. Instead of fearing new technology, we’ve embraced it whenever and wherever it was possible. We’re utilising AI and machine learning tools inside all steps of the creation process to bring you stories at a rate never seen before. With OpenAI’s GPT-2 and now GPT-3, with visual enhancements for graphics, with audio voice synthesis, a virtual Medusa mascot (Say hi to Gorgocutie! https://gorgocutie.com/) and so much more under the hood.
What this means for you is that you’re getting more entertainment at a faster pace and at a cheaper rate. So, it’s a win for everyone. It’s also quite interesting to see where it all leads.
It’s Black Friday again this year, whatever the hell that is. So, we have plenty of deals for you this time as well.
Basically, you can get everything on Smashwords for 50% off and all the products on the Mythography shop at 2.99 euro or less. It’s a massive sale across many stories and formats, ebook and audiobook, plus something extra.
Every year, Smashwords does a cheeky promotion. Since it’s summer on the northern hemisphere and winter on the southern, they just call it with the silly double name.
Simply put, GameLit is a kind of story that borrows heavily from videogames, or has direct elements of such a game, like levels, boss-fights, character classes etc. The crunchiest form is LitRPG, but these stories will never be that.
Mythography GameLit will always sit in the intersection of a fun story and one that has some select Game Elements. If you are not a gamer, these stories are still for you. Don’t feel daunted by something you’re not familiar with.
This Women’s Day, we’d like to showcase our stories with female protagonists, strong women, bull-headed ladies and other fine qualities. Here they are:
This year we’re fully clued in on what Black Friday is and we’re completely prepared…
No, that’s a lie. We still have no clue what that is. Something about Thanksgiving? We give no thanks around here, so, insert shrug.
But, we know you like deals around this time of year, and who are we to judge?
We’ve discounted titles across the board on all retailers, not just Amazon, so feel free to browse around and see what you like.
Some short stories are free for a limited time (on non-Amazon stores), and the longer works are either 0.99 or 2.99 on all stores. Deals run from Nov 20th to 27th.