As soon as the quarantine hit we tried to make it easier for you by just giving out everything for free. Take it all, gobble it all up, if it’ll help you stay home and flatten the curve.
This was two months ago. It was actually very interesting to see some newsletter subscribers object to the blunt emails we sent out advising you to self-quarantine yourselves before the official measures took place. That was before the bloody morons in the US managed to accumulate 1 million confirmed cases.
We hope those of you reading this are safe, or pulling through this unprecedented event. Yes, even the American readers, we like all of you.
Here’s some advice from Paracelsus, your friendly neighbourhood plague doctor.
Also, please understand that even if your country lifts the quarantine measures, you still need to follow physical distancing and wearing masks for a few months. There’s a second wave of infections coming right after summer, there’s historical precedent about it.
We gave out about 7900 ebooks and 1000 audiobooks across most platforms.
It was lots of fun seeing your reactions to the massive giveaway. We got lots of emails and nice comments about it, and we hope that our fiction made and is still making quarantine a little bit easier.
Quarantine in Greece is being lifted 4th of May (May the Fourth be With You!) but it’s still going on in lots of places around the world. Talk is cheap, so we donated a significant chunk of our latest profit to Doctors Without Borders (Médecins sans frontières) Covid-19 Relief effort. You can chip in a few euros if you want.
As for our quarantine coupon, it expires at 1st of May. We know we don’t seem like it, but we’re still a business, after all. You can use the CERTIFIEDMYTHOGRAPHER coupon on our store, just type it in at checkout.
We’ve also added some cool designs on our Zazzle store for face masks, you can see them all here: https://www.zazzle.com/store/mythographystudios
We’re giving you all, yes ALL our audiobooks on Audible for free. There’s no easy way to include them all in a post and this is clunky, but you’re clever, you’ll figure it out. The codes are in this link:
First come first served. Codes updated 30th of April. Audible COM codes, redeem at https://audible.com/acx-promo Audible UK codes, redeem at https://audible.co.uk/acx-promo |
And that’s all for now. Join the Mythographers if you haven’t done so already so you can stay up to date and get all the nifty offers.