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Get Into the Halloween Spirit

We don’t celebrate Halloween around these parts, but the whole mythology of it is so tantalising that we love this season. Even with witches, pumpkin spice lattes and jack-o’-lanterns, this time of Samhain has something spooky about it.

Our stories on the subject are short, but people find them quite enjoyable. Check them out in both ebook and audiobook:

Use the coupon code SAMHAIN at our store for an extra 10% off.

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Get Our Massive Halloween Countdown Deals on Amazon!

This Halloween we’re running a massive countdown deal on so many titles.

Here’s the seasonal one you simply can’t miss, Boo!

And also on But there are so many more you can grab right now at a lower price! Check them all out:

The countdown deals start at the 30th of October from$0.99/0.99£ but you should check out the product pages for the current price.

The deals are valid on Amazon US and UK.

Check them all out, and if you’re seeing this too early Join the Mythographers to get a reminder on your email.

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What a Scary Little Mask You Have There. I Hope it Comes Off in the Morning

We don’t actually celebrate Halloween here in Greece. But, in a clear case of culture seepage from Hollywood, we do have Halloween parties!

Tap to accept the mask

Even though we don’t actually have a festival of the dead, the roots of such celebrations are from the ancient Anthesteria, which was a 3-day festival honouring Dionysos. On the third day, the Feast of Pots, cooked meat and fruit were left outside for the souls of the dead. No one dared touched them, they weren’t for the living. And when the day ended, they called out loud for the spirits to begone, that the Anthesteria was over.

In modern times, the only thing close to trick or treating is kids going for Christmas Carols. And we dress up in our Carnival, or Mardi Gras, which is another Dionysian leftover. People dress up in either silly or scary costumes during that celebration.

So yeah, we don’t actually have Halloween but there has been cultural cross-pollination, and we do have scary events and parties on October 31st. Any excuse for a party, really.

But the trick or treating is left to the ghosts.

Here’s a short story set in the God Complex Universe. It takes place on Halloween night, at a party, in Athens.

Wear the mask. It will come off in the morning

When a young man from a village comes to the big city to study, he finds himself overwhelmed by the urban lifestyle. But will he manage to blend in by going to a Halloween party, when his crush asks him to help decorate the place, when the abandoned villa becomes all too spooky for him and when the illusory masks everyone wears seem to never come off?

Get Spooky on Amazon US Get Spooky on Amazon UK

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October #Samhain Giveaway!

Samhain is the original version of the Halloween celebration.

62765538 - happy brother and two sisters on halloween. funny kids in carnival costumes outdoors. cheerful children and pumpkins on sunset background.

We’ve got a cool giveaway running, in which you sign up for the Mythic Fiction Promos, choose a book from the listed mythic series and comment on the Facebook post below. What are you waiting for?