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Celebrate The Festival Of Lights, With Our #Diwali #Instafreebie Promotion!

Instafreebie is a website that connects readers with authors, providing sneak peeks, advanced access, special giveaways, and exclusive freebies. All you have to do is browse for titles you think you’ll enjoy, sign up with your email and select the filetype that fits you, Mobi, ePub or PDF. Instructions for loading that file in your e-reader will be sent to you from Instafreebie.

By signing up to receive a book you understand you also agree to be contacted by the author.


Festival of Lights Instafreebie promotion

The promotion is organized by Mythic Fiction Promos, a curated list of mythic fiction standalone books and series. Explore the page for enchanting new books to read and join the mailing list to get notified in time.

Here are three selected titles on offer. There are plenty more to choose from!

Check out the full Diwali promo page

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Massive Freebie Promo on August for Science Fiction and Fantasy Books!

As with every month, be ready for Patty’s Promo.

Promotion Over. Sign up at the Mythographers List and get notified for the next one.
Let’s just call it speculative fiction, shall we?

This time we’ve really gone far and wide, making books available on ALL major retailers. There’s not a corner of the globe where one of them won’t reach.
We’ve got:

  • Google Play Books,
  • Kobo,
  • iTunes,
  • Smashwords,
  • Nook
  • and of course Amazon.

Check out some of the early offers right now, or just wait for the email on the day.

Our own submission is:

I Can’t Wait That Long! Show Me The Books.